
Welcome to the Medina pages...my hope is to update this site with current photos and family updates as often as I can. Not always an easy task with a one year old, 11 year old and a hubby to take care of.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Day at the park...

Miguel, Gabriel and I went to the park one Sunday afternoon with a pizza the paper and a kite. I had so much fun doing nothing. WE discovered that Gabriel loves pizza and Miguel is a big kid. It was such a perfect afternoon that when we got in the car to go home we weren't ready and ended up taking a long drive in the canyon. The only thing missing was Noah!

Gabriel at play

I just love it when Gabriel claps, his little eyes light up and he gets this wonderful smile. It reminds me to bask in the little things.

All things Daddy.

Gabriel has learned that water comes from Daddy's hydration pack. I was cleaning the house and had put his pack by the closet and when I passed by I noticed Gabriel hard at work trying to get to the spout. The first photo he was totally unaware of me, the second he noticed me and the third he moved closer to the door so I couldn't take it away from him.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dinner with Papa Jay

After all the birthday celebrating we went down to Newport Dunes to have dinner with my Dad and Shariee. Gabriel is very much like me and loves to be on the go...so he is always game for an outing - Especially when it is with Daddy.

Gabriel's first Birthday Party

We had a 1st birthday for Gabriel on Saturday, August 9 th and were blessed by all of the family and friends that came out to help us celebrate. We are so glad that my Nana was able to come out and celebrate another great grandchild's first birthday. We had the party at Irvine park and the weather could not have been any better had we ordered it. I will post picture once I receive them from my cousin = she took some great pictures and I will be sending them out.

Again, thank you for celebrating with us!

Gabriel's 1st Birthday at Disneyland

Through a work presentation by the post office I was given tickets to the unveiling of the last of the Disney stamp series, which happened to be on Gabriel's birthday. It was such a wonderful day with my husband and the boys. We spent all day getting on rides and people watching. It was so magical to watch Gabriel as we introduced him to Mickey and friends. We stayed until the fireworks and we all enjoyed them.