
Welcome to the Medina pages...my hope is to update this site with current photos and family updates as often as I can. Not always an easy task with a one year old, 11 year old and a hubby to take care of.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Trip to Mississippi.

Trip to Mississippi.

Trip to Mississippi.

We went to Mississippi over Memorial Day for a family reunion on my Dad's side. This would be the first time that we take a family trip on a plane and Gabriel's first trip outside of Cali. We had a wonderful time and I enjoyed spending time with family that I wish I could see more. Noah spent the weekend at the pool/waterslide, Gabriel spent his time being passed around the family and Miguel and I spent the weekend eating wonderful southern food. As you can see by the photos we had a great time and hope to make it back to Mississippi soon.

Just a thought...

Some of you may be thinking...why is there not a lot of pictures of Noah, or me for that matter. Well, Noah almost has to be paid to take a picture unless it is with his baby brother. This is also why I do not have very many professional photos of Noah by himself recently. As for me, I am the photographer taking in all these memories.

Our first Dodger game of the season.

A friend at work had some Dodger tickets for sale and the game was that night - being Dodger fans we decided to buy them and take Gabriel to his first Dodger game. We all had a great night and wish we were closer to the home of the Dodger's.

Family time

We found ourselves without plans one Sunday afternoon and decided to spend some quality time at the park. It was so nice to be way from the house and to get out and enjoy the sunshine. Miguel and Noah has a blast playing catch and running Miguel's RC car in the dirt, Gabriel and I spent time enjoying the grass - as you can see Gabriel had to taste the grass to make sure it was fit to play on.

Gabriel's new found Talent.

Miguel is so excited to share his passion for music with Gabriel. When the baby is fussy Miguel will pickup his guitar and play and sing for him and right away the baby is soothed. This day Miguel set the baby on the floor with the guitar and he just started picking at the strings like he was ready to learn (or so my hubby would like to think). It was so cute to watch the joy it gave to both Miguel and Gabriel. I was half expecting there to be a baby guitar at home the next day when I got home from work.

You should have seen the other baby!!!

Gabriel is now mobile and we have to watch him every moment that he is awake. He even comes out of his naps reaching for whatever is closest to him. So I was doing his hair - don't know why because it does not stay combed, and he decided that he wanted to do something else and just jumped out of my arms and wacked the side of his face on his changing table - instant blackeye. Luck for me his daycare knows how active he is and did not call CPS! Not more than a week later he was play with one of Miguel's guitars and hit the same eye and got another blackeye.

Brothers at play

Noah is very caring and helpful with Gabriel. I love to watch them interact and bond. I still can't get Noah to do diapers - oh well, we can't have everything.