
Welcome to the Medina pages...my hope is to update this site with current photos and family updates as often as I can. Not always an easy task with a one year old, 11 year old and a hubby to take care of.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


As most of you know I have a little side business doing cakes for different events. I was asked by a very dear friend at work if I could make the cake for her grandson's 1st birthday party. This person has been some what of a marriage mentor to me so to be able to do this cake for her and her daughter and little Riker was special. I just thought I would share my creation.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

When it's too quite...WOORRRY...

We were getting ready to head up to LA, Gabriel loves to play in his room. Well, he has turned into an explorer and decided to empty out his changing table and make sure each tissue was as soft as the next! This reminded me of a picture that a girlfriend sent of her two kids in the bathroom with the toilet paper - SO I had to go and grab the camera.

It's Halloween...

Guess what I am? I can't wait for Halloween, I really enjoy seeing all the children in their costumes and so excited to go from door to door. We will be getting Noah's costume this week and will upload photos of my wonderful boys!


Gabriel loves to take a bath, once he hears the water he comes and throws all his toys in the tub and then tries to climb in. Luck for us he hasn't figure out how - we just had to get door locks since he is mobile anout d figured how to open the door in the house.


Daddy and Gabriel at play...just watch it is worth the time.

Pumpkin Patch...

On the same day as the Pony incident we also visited the Pumpkin Patch and had fun watching all the kids running around and having a good time. Gabriel wanted to pickup every pumpkin he could get too and the ones that were too big he decided they deserved a big kick! Boys will be boys.

First Pony Ride...

This was Gabriel's first pony ride, not quite the image I had in my head when we headed to Irvine park on a beautiful Sunday after noon. I thought how excited he will be - well as soon as Miguel showed him the pony he got scared, but that did not stop us from going ahead and strapping him on this pony. Miguel led him around the ring three time and each time he passed me he looked at me like "Thanks Mom". Hopefully he will forgive me and the therapy will not cost too much.

It's brushing time

Gabriel has taken to brushing his teeth like a pro, every morning after he has his bottle, gets dressed and a little Sesame Street we head to the bathroom. As soon as I turn the water on he is right there. It is so cute to see him try and turn the water on and try and help me with the toothpaste. I have to be really fast or we will have stuff everywhere.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Day at the park...

Miguel, Gabriel and I went to the park one Sunday afternoon with a pizza the paper and a kite. I had so much fun doing nothing. WE discovered that Gabriel loves pizza and Miguel is a big kid. It was such a perfect afternoon that when we got in the car to go home we weren't ready and ended up taking a long drive in the canyon. The only thing missing was Noah!

Gabriel at play

I just love it when Gabriel claps, his little eyes light up and he gets this wonderful smile. It reminds me to bask in the little things.

All things Daddy.

Gabriel has learned that water comes from Daddy's hydration pack. I was cleaning the house and had put his pack by the closet and when I passed by I noticed Gabriel hard at work trying to get to the spout. The first photo he was totally unaware of me, the second he noticed me and the third he moved closer to the door so I couldn't take it away from him.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dinner with Papa Jay

After all the birthday celebrating we went down to Newport Dunes to have dinner with my Dad and Shariee. Gabriel is very much like me and loves to be on the go...so he is always game for an outing - Especially when it is with Daddy.

Gabriel's first Birthday Party

We had a 1st birthday for Gabriel on Saturday, August 9 th and were blessed by all of the family and friends that came out to help us celebrate. We are so glad that my Nana was able to come out and celebrate another great grandchild's first birthday. We had the party at Irvine park and the weather could not have been any better had we ordered it. I will post picture once I receive them from my cousin = she took some great pictures and I will be sending them out.

Again, thank you for celebrating with us!

Gabriel's 1st Birthday at Disneyland

Through a work presentation by the post office I was given tickets to the unveiling of the last of the Disney stamp series, which happened to be on Gabriel's birthday. It was such a wonderful day with my husband and the boys. We spent all day getting on rides and people watching. It was so magical to watch Gabriel as we introduced him to Mickey and friends. We stayed until the fireworks and we all enjoyed them.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Orange County Fair...

I love going to the fair and with being put on bedrest last year I missed the OC fair and was not able to attend the LA fair since Gabriel was too small to take out in crowds. Well, we saw the animals, the artwork, the displays, rides, games and a couple of food stands as well. The highlight of the day was watching the pig races. Gabriel was so excited and kept screaming and cheering. I am looking forward to going back every year and building the memories with my kids.


Noah's birhtday was in the early part of July and he wanted to go to Legoland. So when Miguel and I were on vacation we took the kids to Legoland. There was not much for the baby to do but we all managed to have a great time.

Gabriel's second family

We attended Theresa's quinceanera (Gabriel's adopted family aka daycare). It was a lot of fun and they had a 50's theme. I left there feeling so good about who we have placed Gabriel with 5 days a week for 8 hours a day. They treat him just like a member of their family and have so much love for him. Rosa has had him since he was two months old and knows everything about him (and still loves him!). Rosa has three daughters that also are very good to Gabriel and shower him with attention.

Help with moving

We just moved and we had an extra pair of hands helping us pack. There is something so special about watching a child play.


My husband played barber and gave Gabriel his first haircut.